My experience as a NextGen reporter has been one of the most impactful weeks of my life. I came into the week really nervous and unsure of myself, but I feel like I’ve grown and learned so much from everyone here. I didn’t realize how hard I could be on myself until I received so much great feedback, which made me really emotional. It’s been really nice to be in an environment where I don’t feel judged. People really want to help me and everyone just wants to see each other win.
NextGen really feels like an extended family and I can’t say enough how grateful I am for every single individual involved. The illustrators, web designers, audio engineers, and my amazing mentor, Andrea (who had so much patience with me). I couldn’t do any of this without the help and grace of these talented people.
I am also super thankful that Carmen Dianne allowed me to interview her and help show the beautiful story of what home means to her. I didn’t realize how many similarities we had until talking with Carmen. Maybe I subconsciously felt drawn to interview her because I related to her journey. I wasn’t an army brat, but I moved around as a kid and grew up in predominantly white spaces. I admire her adaptability and resilience — change can be scary but she embraced new beginnings with such bravery. She was driven to make a difference by creating a platform for Black businesses. Carmen’s story inspires me and I admire her immensely. I hope her story can inspire someone else too.
This week has opened me up to an in-depth journalism experience. I learned how to be more consistent and organized. I also got to experience a workspace where people care and support you, allow you to break down and cry or be stressed out, and tell you to share how you feel. I love that mental health is so supported and discussed in this workspace. I am just so grateful and this is an experience I’ll cherish for life.