I love looking up to people. Partially because I’m only five feet tall, but also because I think there are so many incredibly talented people doing the things I want to be doing. Sometimes this creates impostor syndrome, a lack of self confidence, and makes me limit opportunities for myself.

When I made it to the round of pitching for NextGenRadio, I panicked. Am I capable of creating something impactful? Could I find someone to interview who would trust me to share their story? 

The biggest take away from NextGen is that journalism does not have to be an independent activity. Being in the room with my mentor and with so many people supporting my vision was something I haven’t felt since I was a playwright in college. When you have this much support and trust surrounding you, writing becomes less limiting. 

Before this project, something I would say to myself would be, “Everything you have been working toward since you decided to switch careers a year ago is going to help you.” I gave myself the tools to be in the room with people I look up to, and, it turns out, those people want me to succeed.

I can say honestly this experience provided me with the most clarity and confidence on what I want my future to be. I can’t thank the NextGen team enough for giving me the opportunity to prove myself, to myself.